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My Divine Tortured Truth
"My Divine Tortured Truth" is an album that takes you on an inner empowerment journey of what it means to discover, love, own and accept oneself through failed romantic relationships. With dynamic and sultry sonics, this album will have you hooked by it's adventurous spirit and cinematic dramatic anthems. After a world wide pandemic,
'My Divine Tortured Truth' reminds us that we have the power within to dictate our lives. Who do we become when we step into our divine inner power.
*This project is a creative exploration and case study.
Alternative Cover Concepts
'Good Company' Concept: A dance masquerade ball. Female led version inspired by Michael Jackson's 'Smooth Criminal' Video.
Behind The Scenes:
We built a DIY set in my living room.
'You' Video Concept: A room full of mirrors as Jordan comes face to face with herself.
POV: Your in your
self love era, dancing to
your own beat, single,
living free and loving it! 💃✨
How life is when your thriving in your own energy away from toxic relationships.
You're one in
a million, baby!
TikTok Challenge: Show yourself enjoying your own company
by dancing by yourself in public or at home alone in your room.
Lyrics: " There ain't nothing wrong with me. You know i'm dancing to my dancing to my own beat.
Need nobody next to me. I don't I don't need no company. I just wanna feel the heat while i'm dancing
to my dancing to my own beat ....Take nobody home with me.. I can be my own good company
Live Production Inspiration
Marketing Experience Initiative: Have pop-up vanity mirrors across cities with paper to write a love letter and affirmations to yourself.
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